백반증 관련기사

인도 아유르베다의 양파 치료법

내맘대로11 2016. 5. 24. 13:31

출처 : http://www.astrogle.com/ayurveda/leucoderma-vitiligo-skin-pigmentation-home-treatment.html

인도의 전통치료법인 아유르베다에 소개된 백반증 자연치료법입니다.

불필요한 내용들은 그냥 건너뛰고 요약해 봅니다.

** 그리고 원문이 매끈한 영어문장이 아닌 경우가 많아 의역을 한 부분도 있습니다.

레시피 No.1:

방법 : 10그램의 암소 버터기름을 불에 올리고 후추 10알을 넣어 약불에 끓인다.  몇분 정도 지난 후 후추를 제거하고 버터기름을 일상 식용으로 사용한다.

효과 :  혈액 정화와 면역기능 향상으로 피부 관련 문제들이 제거된다.

레시피 No.2:
방법 : 일찍 따뜻한 양젖에 1스푼의 꿀을 섞어 마신다.

효과 :  40~100일 이내 피부 색소환원이 이루어진다.

레시피 No.3:
생 강황 : 100그램(길쭉한 막대모양으로 잘라 말린 후 가루로 만든다)

강황가루 : 100그램

Mangista 가루 : 100그램 (아마 Manjistha를 말하는 듯)

흰겨자가루 : 100그램(겨자에 암소버터기름 2방울을 떨어뜨려 가볍게 볶은 후 가루로 만든다)

Kaavirai 가루 : 100그램 (Kaavirai가 뭔지 도저히 못찾음)

암소 버터기름 : 충분히

모든 분말을 섞어 고운 천으로 체에 거른 후 병에 담아 보관한다.

방법 : 위 섞은 가루 2~3 스푼에 약간의 암소 버터기름을 넣고 섞은 후 얼굴에 두껍게 발라준다.  마르고 나면 물로 씻어낸다.

효과 : 2~3개월 후 백반부위가 사라짐

레시피 No.4:

Neem(인도멀구슬)나무 잎을 으깨서 버터밀크로 반죽한다.

밤에 이 페이스트를 백반증 환부에 바르고 아침에 씻어낸다.

만일 인도멀구슬나무 잎을 구하기 어려우면 인도멀구슬나무 오일을 구매하여 대체적으로 사용하도록 한다.

레시피 No.5 : (인도멀구슬나무 오일 사용)

인도멀구슬나무오일 100ml와 인도멀구슬나무 껍질 가루 50mg을 준비한다.

위의 재료에 200ml의 물을 넣고 모든 물이 증발되고 오일만 남을 때까지 끓인다.

오일을 유리병에 보관하고, 매일 아침 미지근한 오일을 백반증 환부에 바르고 10분간 맛사지한 후 잠시 후 씻어낸다.

레시피 No.6:
적양파로 즙을 낸 후 소금 약간을 더한다.

밤에 이 혼합물을 백반부위에 바르고, 아침에 씻어낸다.


Leucoderma (Vitiligo) or Skin Pigmentation home treatment

Vitiligo (Leucoderma) or white spots - Ayurvedic Treatment

Vitiligo is also known as ‘leucoderma‘, which appears as single or multiple depigmented patches on any part of the body.
These patches gradually increase in size & cause lot of psychological stress to the patient.
This is a condition in which there is a localized loss of the skin’s pigmentation.
These patches are more commonly seen in sun-exposed areas, which includes the hands, feet, arms, face, and lips.
Other areas of the body where this is commonly seen are the armpits and groin, the area around the mouth, eyes, nostrils, navel, and genitals as well.

Leucoderma (vitiligo) Symptoms : Initially it starts off as a single pale spot and spreads into multiple patches which become whiter, as sking loses its pigmentation.

Vitiligo or Skin Pigmentation Causes:
Skin Pigmentation occurs mainly due to the malfunctioning of the endocrine glands and the liver. Skin pigmentation problems occur as either an excessive coloration or darkening of the skin or a loss of color and pigment in the skin, over the entire body or just in patches and spots.

Pigmentation is more widespread amongst the middle-aged women. Very few women in younger age suffer from skin problems like pigmentation, and the extent of the problem is minimal with few exceptions. This in fact is related to the endocrinal changes that occur when women reach middle age.

The severity of pigmentation problem is associated with several diseases and disorders. So careful investigation is needed for increasing the body’s immunity and purification of Blood.

Recipe No.1:
Take 10 gms cow’s ghee and add boil it on SIM flame by adding 10 pepper . After few minutes remove the pepper from the ghee and use the ghee along with daily food.
Blood gets purified, body immunity increases and skin related problems are removed.

Recipe No.2:
Add 1 spoon honey to warm Goat’s milk and take early in the morning.
Good relief of skin pigmentation within 40 to 100 days.

Recipe No.3:
Wet turmeric : 100 gm (Make pieces of turmeric sticks, dry them and make fine powder).
Turmeric powder : 100 gm (fine powder)
Mangista powder : 100 gms
White mustard powder : 100 gms ( Fry mustard lightly by adding 2 drops ghee and make powder)
Kaavirai powder : 100 gms
Cow’s ghee : sufficient
Mix all powders, sieve in a fine cloth and store in a bottle.

Add little ghee to 2 to 3 spoons of above powder and apply to face in the form of thick paste. Let it dry and later wash.

Pigmentation disappears within 2 to 3 months.

Recipe No.4:
Extract tender neem tree leaves and make their paste with buttermilk.
Apply this paste on pigmented skin areas during nights and wash them in the morning.

If you cannot find tender neem leaves everyday, then buy neem oil and try alternate method.

Recipe No.5: (with neem oil)
Collect 100 ml of neem oil, 50 gms of neem tree bark powder.
Boil them in 200 ml of water until only oil remains and all water evaporates.
Store this oil in a glass bottle and every morning, massage the effected skin areas with this luke warm oil for 10 minutes and wash your skin after a while.

Recipe No.6:
Also make juice from a red onion and add a pinch of salt to it.
Apply this mixture on the effected skin during nights and wash it in the morning.